Thema: Continuous ‚Everything‘

Continuous Improvement Throughout Grading Your Project

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to perform the basic required backlog of issues analysis
  • Be able to understand the possible impact classifications that your project might have
  • Be able to match these classifications to the issues found at your live projects
  • Be able to formal the model and calculate the grades of your projects
  • Be able to predict your on-going movements in your projects’ backlog, and place a plan to reduce the risks

One of our tasks as test engineers or as test managers are to find the path(s) that will lead to effective results in relations with the quality of the products and projects that we’re involved with. This speech made to raise the need to reduce quality risks by analyzing the typical software issues that impacting the quality of our products or projects, and point where we hurt our business the most and try to deal with that by granting our projects/products with grade and show constant improvement over time.

In this speech you’ll be able to get to know a bit more about ODC model and the Impact classifications that it holds; as well as how to grade your projects, and by collecting information about the software issues that were found over time, to predict what will be on your next release and where to put a focus, in order to reduce risks that will impact badly your business. I’ll share real case studies and show how this is assist, as well as ways to preserve it in an on-going mode.

Yaron Tsuberi, Smartest Technology

Yaron Tsubery is working in software since 1990, and has more than 20 years in Software development, QA and Testing field as a Test Engineer, Customer Support Engineer, Testing TL, and Testing Manager, as well as Product Manager, Project Manager and Developer, before becoming a Senior Director of QA & Testing.